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Track & Field and Cross Country are two of the most successful athletic program at Fort Collins High School. The track program won its first Conference title in 1912. Since that time our track teams have won 68 Conference Titles, 25 State Championships, and 3 National Championships! In fact, Fort Collins won the last national title ever contested and the trophy was retired right here in the "Home of the Champions!"
We cordially invite any and all student-athletes interested in joining our track & field and/or cross country programs. We are a non-cut sport that offers an opportunity for any person to better him or herself as an athlete and promote an enhanced lifestyle of health, resiliency, accountability and community! Athletes work with a supportive coaching staff where they are encouraged to compete at their fullest potential. When you join the LAMBKIN Track & Field/XC family, you will be surrounded by the nicest and most supportive high school teammates and family in the city of Fort Collins!!
The 2024 track and field preseason/indoor workouts are being held weekly during the months of January and February. Indoor track meet opportunities happen on Thursday evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays. To plug into the preseason/indoor, please click on the Track and Field tab at the top of this page see the monthly calendars for January and February.
The coaching staff at FCHS represents a diverse background in the sport of track and field and cross country. We are excited to share our knowledge and love of the sport with the athletes on the team.
3400 Lambkin Way, Fort Collins, CO 80525